Starting on September 1, 2022:
- All events scheduled on Thursdays will proceed in-person. The court will no longer schedule any virtual events on Thursdays.
- The Clerk’s Office will no longer be closed between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Starting on November 1, 2022:
- With limited exceptions described below, all events (including first tier events) will proceed in-person.
- The court will resume its practice of scheduling Hampshire County events on Mondays in Hadley, Berkshire County events on Wednesdays in Pittsfield and Franklin County events on Fridays in Greenfield. Events will be scheduled in the Springfield session every day.
- The court will continue to schedule a limited number of virtual events, such as case
management and certain pretrial conferences. Other matters may be heard virtually only if pre-approved by a judge. All specifically scheduled and pre-approved virtual events will be scheduled on Fridays.
The virtual Clerk’s Office (Zoom Meeting ID 161 638 3742, Password 1234) will continue to be open during court hours.
The court will continue to offer public Zoom stations for litigants in the courthouse who wish to speak to resource providers who are not present in the building.