Scholarship Programs
Frank H. Wright Memorial Fund Scholarship
The Frank H. Wright Scholarship is the general scholarship fund of the Berkshire Bar Association. Each year multiple scholarships* are awarded to Berkshire County residents who are entering or attending law school. In selecting the recipients, the Scholarship Committee reviews the academic background, financial need and community service commitment of the applicants.
The Scholarship Fund is named after Frank Hull Wright, a lawyer, community activist, and leader from Southern Berkshire County. Admitted to the Bar in 1881, Wright enjoyed a successful law practice and spent his life giving back to his community. Wright was instrumental in the construction of the Mahaiwe Building, created the Great Barrington Free Library, and helped develop the first public high school in town.
*Number and amount of scholarships varies year to year depending on the distribution amount set by the fund manager, Bank of America
Application is due by 5:00 pm, August 11, 2023
For more information, contact:
Robert W. Kinzer, III
Scholarship Committee Chairman
75 North St, Suite 340
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone: (413) 853-4223
The Simons Scholarship
The Simons Scholarship Fund was founded in 1993 upon the retirement of Judge William W. Simons from the Superior Court bench. Judge Simons understood the importance of trial advocacy training for lawyers and appreciated that the cost of attending such trainings often prohibited the very lawyers who would benefit the most from participating. Therefore, he created this fund to improve trial advocacy in our courts by making trainings more accessible to trial lawyers.
In order to apply for such funds, send a written request to:
Simons Scholarship Fund
c/o The Berkshire County Bar Association Inc.
152 North St, Suite 155
Pittsfield, MA 01202
The application should include a brochure describing the training; the amount of funds requested; and a brief statement of how the attorney hopes the training might improve his/her specific practice.